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Faculty Publication

Title of paperName of the author/sName of journalYear of publicationISSN number
An Overview of CyberbullyingProf. R. D. ManeIJRAR20232348-1269
Yoga Mentoring using AIDr. Prof. D A NikamInternational Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science 20222582-5208
Survey paper on Real Time Sign Language InterpreterProf.S. M MominIJRPR- International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews 20222582-7421
Voice assistant using PythonProf. A V GundavadeIJCRT- International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts. 20222320-2882
Music Recommendation System Using Facial EmotionProf. P. V. KothawaleInternational Journal of Research Publication and Reviews20222582-7421
IOT based Burglar notification system using image processingProf.S S SatputeInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science20222582-5208
SMART VIDEO SUMMARIZATION USING SUBTITLESProf.S S SatputeInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science20222582-5208
SURVEY PAPER ON STOCK MARKET PREDICTIONProf.R D ManeInternational Journal of Research Publication and Reviews20222582-7421
Room light controller Using IOTDr. Prof. D A NikamInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science20222582-5208
Survey Paper on Automatic Number Plate RecognitionProf.S S SatputeInternational Journal of Research Publication and Reviews20222582-7421
Dr.D A NikamInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science20222582-5208
Data Storage and Billing SystemProf. P. V. KothawaleInternational Journal of Research Publication and Reviews20222582-7421
Research Paper on Real-Time Sign Language Interpreter usingProf.S. M MominInternational Journal of Research Publication and Reviews20222582-7421
A Review on Symmetric Key Encryption Prof. R. D. ManeInternational Journal of Research & Technology20222321-7529
Number Plate Recognition Prof. A. H. PudaleIJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 9, Issue 6, 2021 | 20212321-0613
Generating Image from TextDr. D. A. Nikam IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 9, Issue 5, 2021 | ISSN (online): 2321-061320212321-0613

Prediction and Analysis of Indian Premier League Using MachineDr.Prof.D A NikamIJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 9, Issue 5, 202120212321-0613
DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULT PREDICATION USING TWITTER DATA MININGProf.A V GundavadeInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:03/Issue:06/June-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354
2021e-ISSN: 2582-5208
A Survey on Emotion Speech Recognition Using Support Vector MachineProf.R S BarwadeInternational Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management Volume 4, Issue 7, July2022021ISSN (Online): 2581-5792
Volume:03/Issue:04/April-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354
2021e-ISSN: 2582-5208
Survey on Product Recommendation System Using Hybrid
Collaborative Filtering
Dr.Prof.D A NikamIJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 9, Issue 5, 2021 |2021ISSN (online): 2321-0613
Survey on Car Sales Prediction SystemProf.G I RathodInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM)
Volume: 05 Issue: 07 | July - 2021
2021SSN: 2582-3930
SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION USING IMAGE AND NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSINGProf.A.H.NadafInternational Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:03/Issue:06/June-2021 Impact Factor- 5.354
2021e-ISSN: 2582-5208
Survey On Secure File Storage On Cloud
Using Hybrid Cryptography
Prof.R S BarwadeIJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 9, Issue 2, April-2021 |2021ISSN (online): 2321-0613
Sentiment Analysis Using Social MediaProf. Anisa. B. ShikalgarInternational Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research2021ISSN 2229-5518
survey on smart health prediction systemProf.A V GundavadeIJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 9, Issue 6, Aug 20212021ISSN (online): 2321-0613
A Survey of Credit Card Fraud Detection using Machine LearningProf. Anisa. B. ShikalgarIJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 9, Issue 1, 2021 | ISSN (online): 2321-06132021ISSN (online): 2321-0613
Data leakage method in P2P network using security,integrity and prvacy technique Dr. D. A. Nikam International Journal of enggineering science and computing(IJESC) VOLUME 11 lssue no.03 March 202120212250-1371
A model of daily newspaper atm using PLC System Dr. D. A. Nikam In the international conference on Data science computation and security ( IDSCS 2021)2021978-981-16-4485-6
A model of daily newspaper ATM using plc systemProf. G. I. RathodIn the international conference on Data science computation and security ( IDSCS 2021)2021978-981-16-4485-6
Data leakage method in P2P network using security,integrity and prvacy techniqueProf. / Sneha S. Satpute International Journal of enggineering science and computing(IJESC) VOLUME 11 lssue no.03 March 202120212250-1371
A model of daily newspaper ATM using plc systemProf. R. S. BarwadeIn the international conference on Data science computation and security ( IDSCS 2021)2021978-981-16-4485-6
A Case Study: Circle Detection Using Circular Hough TransferProf. /A.B.ShikalgarInternational Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development (IJSRED) ,Volume 02 Issue 520192581-7175
Innovative Recruitment Techniques in Job Portal with MERN StcakProf. G.I.RathodInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering And Technology(IJRASET) ,Volume 07 Issue X October 201920192321-9653
Review on generating social event storybord Prof. R. D. Mane International Journal of science and research (IJSR)8(1),2140 TO 214220192319-7064
An Approach for Detecting Higher Level Clone in Software System and Behavior Identification with code Refactorability Detection in SoftwareProf. R. D. ManeImperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research20172454-1362
Review of Consumer Trends and Behavior Mapping with Data Mining For Organized Retail in Kolhapur District Prof. C. S. ShindeJournal of Advances in Science and Technology20172230-9659
Secure Lite an Industrial Surveillance and Security Management AppProf. C. S. ShindeInternational Journal for Scientific Research & Development20172321-0613
Transport Time TrackerProf. C. S. ShindeInternational Journal for Scientific Research & Development20172321-0613
Content Management SystemProf. A. H. NadafInternational Journal for Scientific Research & Development20172321-0613
Network Based Android Mobile Controlled Door Security SystemProf. U. H. KambleInternational Journal for Scientific Research & Development20172321-0613
Tap KeyboardProf. U. H. KambleInternational Journal for Scientific Research & Development20172321-0613
EventO: An Android based Event PLanningR. S. KambleInternational Journal for Scientific Research & Development20172321-0613
Error Log Analytics using HadoopR. S. KambleInternational Journal for Scientific Research & Development20172321-0613
An Android Application for Rent Vehicle R. S. KambleInternational Journal for Scientific Research & Development20172321-0613
M-Health CareProf. A. B. ShikalgarInternational Journal for Scientific Research & Development20172321-0613
Authentacation to Security Questions by Understanding SmartphoneProf. G. I. RathodInternational Journal for Scientific Research & Development20172321-0613
Android Application of Leaves Management & Notices for FacultyProf. K. S. KulkarniInternational Journal for Scientific Research & Development20172321-0613
Accessing the refractability of software clonesProf. R. D. ManeImperila journal of interdisciplianary research20172454- 1362